We all have excellent conceptualizations of our life! Everyone aspires to have a life similar to that of their favorite characters. Despite all the challenges they encountered, they might have even loved it! This is comparable to the popular YouTube series Lankybox. The characters of the YouTuber were largely responsible for its well-deserved praise. Ever consider what it could be like to inhabit one of your favorite television characters? On the basis of your personality, who would you be? According to your personality and attitude, who would you be like? Want to learn more? After that, take this fantastic quiz to find out who you are!
1. Which word fits your personality?
A. Smart
B. Arrogant
C. Quirky
D. Funny
2. What is your favorite time of the day?
A. Morning
B. Night
C. Evening
D. Night
3. How often do you like to cook?
A. Very often
B. Somewhat
C. Often
D. Rarely
4. How often do you party?
A. Very often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Often
5. How often do you like to travel around the world?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
6. How often do you have fights with people?
A. Rarely
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Often
7. How often do people ask for your advise?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
8. How often do you workout?
A. Often
B. Somewhat
C. Rarely
D. very often
9. How often do you like to help people?
A. Very often
B. Often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
10. What is your favorite food?
A. Chinese
B. Italian
C. Mexican
D. Continental
11. How often do you play sports?
A. Often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Very often
12. How often do you feel the urge to be lonely?
A. Somewhat
B. Rarely
C. Often
D. very often
13. How often do you prefer sleeping over partying?
A. Somewhat
B. Often
C. Very often
D. Rarely
14. Choose your hobby?
A. Cooking
B. Painting
C. Dancing
D. Singing
15. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Extroverted Introvert
D. Introverted extrovert
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