The British Royal Family consists of King Charles III and his close relatives. The Royal Household has also issued different lists outlining who is and who is not a part of the royal family. They usually support the monarch in undertaking public engagements and often pursue charitable work and interests. The royal family is regarded as a British cultural icon. The head of the state of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms is King Charles III. Charles is the head of the royal family. He is the eldest son of Elizabeth II and the first-born grandson of George VI and as of 2022, Charles has two children and five grandchildren. The royal family’s guidelines on greeting a member of the royal family say they should first be greeted with “Your Royal Highness”. The status of Royal Highness is restricted to children of a monarch’s sons, the children of the eldest child of the Prince of Wales, and their wives. The core of the royal family is King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort and William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Prince of Wales and Anne, Princess Royal and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and Forfar and Sophie, Countess of Wessex and Forfar.
1. What is your zodiac sign?
A. Scorpio
B. Cancer
C. Taurus
D. Pisces
2. What is your eye color?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Black
D. Hazel
3. What is your hair color?
A. Grey
B. Black
C. White
D. Brown
4. Which sport would you like to play?
A. Polo
B. Badminton
C. Tennis
D. Billiards
5. Which hobby would you pick?
A. Gardening
B. Writing
C. Collecting stamps
D. Watching movies
6. Which is your favorite dessert?
A. Lemon Cream
B. Chocolate/ Fruit salad
C. Cake
D. Balmoral Butties
7. Which pet do you have?
A. Frog
B. Dog
C. Cat
D. Horses
8. What do you dislike the most?
A. Chocolates
B. Onion/Garlic
C. Egg
D. Bread
9. How many children do you have?
A. One Kid
B. Two Kid
C. Three/Four kid
D. No kid
10. Which junk food are you fond of?
A. Pizza
B. Hamburger
C. Noodles
D. Pasta
11. What is your favorite color?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. White
D. Black
12. Which royal family member do you admire the most?
A. Queen Elizabeth
B. Prince of Wales
C. King Charles III
D. Earl of Wessex
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