Outer Bank is a Netflix series where a teenager enlists his three best friends to hunt for a legendary treasure linked to his father's disappearance. This series follows a group of Pogue teenagers who live at the Cut and are determined to find out what happened to the missing father of the group's ringleader. They bring out the latest activities, events, festivals, deals, and opportunities which give them a slice of heaven. Outer Bank is best known for its picturesque beachfront, which makes people love the most. The wide expansion of non-commercialized beaches is part of its beauty and desire to both visitors and residents.
1. How do you get your work done?
A. I encourage others to do my work
B. Do at my own
C. Ask for help and do with others
D. Try to avoid the work
2. What are your thoughts regarding changes?
A. Opportunity
B. Challenge
C. Fear
D. Always ready to accept
3. How would you describe yourself?
A. Intelligent Person
B. Handsome Person
C. Fun Loving person
D. Shy Person
4. What are your views regarding your dare?
A. Most Daring
B. Daring once aware with situation
C. May be lil daring
D. Not at all daring
5. What would you do if you find out about hidden money?
A. Buy House
B. Buy Car
C. Do Shopping
D. Invest it
6. Which character do you like the most in the series?
A. Sarah Cameron
B. John B
D. Pope
7. What would be your attitude once you achieve the goals in your life?
A. Bit Arrogant
B. Down to earth
C. Always there for others
D. No Idea
8. You find a hidden message in your father's belongings. What's your first instinct?
A. Share it with your closest friends
B. Research it thoroughly and try to understand
C. Seek help from someone in authority
D. Use it to your advantage and potentially gain
9. How do you feel about the social divide between the Pogues and the Kooks?
A. It's unfair and needs to be challenged
B. It doesn't bother me as long as I can stay out of trouble
C. I understand both sides and try to bridge the gap
D. I use it to my advantage depending on the situation
10. Your best friend is in danger. What do you do?
A. Form a plan and take immediate action
B. Offer emotional support and brainstorm
C. Analyze the situation logically and come up with a strategic plan
D. Look for an adult or someone in power to help
11. You're facing a difficult moral dilemma. What matters most to you?
A. Loyalty to your friends and family
B. Knowledge and understanding
C. Fairness and justice
D. Personal gain and success
12. How do you handle conflict?
A. I confront the issue head-on
B. I try to de-escalate the situation and find a peaceful solution
C. I analyze the situation and strategize the best way to get ahead
D. I use charm and wit to manipulate the situation in my favor
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