What's better than having a great smooch from the person you love or the one you admire a lot? Hae you ever thought of kissing a strange or your sweetheart? Kissers are generally belonging to different sizes and shapes, but the most important thing remains what kid 0of you feeling do you have? Are you a passionate kisser, a playful kisser, a reserved kisser, or a romantic kisser? Let us find which type of kisser are you and evaluate your performance.
1. What do you think of a good kisser?
A. Naturally sexy
B. Sets the mood
C. Flirt
D. Considerare
2. What kind of kiss can turn you off?
A. No chemistry
B. When it leads to no fun
C. When I have no mood
D. When there's too much biting and tongue
3. Which kiss do you like the most?
A. Kiss on cheek
B. Kiss on neck
C. Quick kiss on the lips
D. Deep & Passionate kiss on lips
4. When did you have your first kiss?
A. High School
B. Middle School
C. College
D. Still waiting for it
5. What do you feel about kissing someone new?
A. When the moment is right
B. After I know them
C. As soon as i think
D. Right away if I feel after flirting
6. Where do you keep your hand while kissing your partner?
A. On the head and neck of person
B. Waist of your love
C. Wandering hands to turn on the mood
D. A tight embrace
7. How will you describe your most memorable kiss?
A. Hot and sensual
B. Purely Romantic, that grew love
C. Unplanned and spontaneous that went really well
D. A sweet and comfortable quiz
8. What kind of weather do you prefer for kissing?
A. Rain
B. Snow
C. Summer
D. You don't need any weather , you can just do it
9. How many people have you kissed so far?
A. Just one love
B. 2 people , might be serious relationships
C. 2 or more
D. 4 or more
10. What do you think about kissing?
A. One of the best feelings
B. Fine thing
C. Important in a relationship
D. You can do it anytime anywhere
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