Quiz: Will You Make A Good Father?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1215 | Recent Updated: 26-Apr-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
We share a different sort of relationships with our kids. Some dads are the best friend type, some are dominating, on the other hand, some are quite funny or sharing a bad relationship type. At one point we all have asked ourselves about our parenting skills. Take this “Will You Make A Good Father Quiz” and find out what kind of father you are.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you religious?

A. Very much

B. Not exactly

C. A little

D. Not at all

2. How would you react if your child wanted to join the glamour world?

A. Ok with the decision

B. Trying to having conversation with him

C. Be into the debate

D. Say “No”

3. Do you spend some quality time with your son/daughter?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Always

D. When it is required

4. What kind of activity do you like to do with your kids?

A. Playing hide and seek

B. Go for movie

C. Having lunch at his/her favourite place

D. Watching cartoons

5. Would you like to play a lot with your kids?

A. Probably not that much

B. Yes

C. I would love to, but don’t have time

D. Hardly do that

6. Do you smoke a lot?

A. Yes

B. Very often

C. I used to

D. Not at all

7. How often do you drink?

A. Never

B. Regularly

C. Occasionally

D. When watching movie with wife

8. Describe your personality?

A. Disappointed

B. Happy

C. Hypocrite

D. Controlling

9. What kind of job you are doing?

A. Blogger

B. Engineer


D. CEO of my company

10. Relationship with your kids:

A. Friendly

B. Loveable

C. Not so good

D. Very bad


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