People in this world who live a life full of hardship with patience and intelligence are called knowledgeable, courageous. But those who are able to answer the most difficult question are called genius. Because this world is full of very difficult questions, which only the genius people can answer, but there is nothing that people who cannot answer the difficult question is not genius. Today, many examinations are held, the difficulty of which is very high, in which only a few people are successful. And today we are going to introduce you to some similar difficulty questions. Let’s get well knowledge about Quiz Questions and Answers On World Hardest, Place, Things, Goods and, etc.
1. Which of the following European country technically shares a border with Brazil, because one of its “overseas departments” does?
A. France
B. America
C. Germany
D. Belgium
2. Which “finger-licking’ good” company piloted a chicken-flavored nail polish?
A. Church’s Chicken
C. Popeyes
D. All of the above
3. Which Scottish poet’s works inspired the book titles Of Mice and Men and Catcher in the Rye?
A. Robert Burns
B. James Hogg
C. Walter Alva Scott
D. None of these
4. Which one letter is omitted from the names of a prominent GBTQ+ dating app, a website that hosts over 465 million blogs, and many other tech brands?
A. A
B. B
C. D
D. E
5. Which actor said, “If you had been a public figure since the time you were a toddler… maybe you too would value privacy above all else”?
A. Jodie Foster
B. Shirley Temple
C. Leonardo DiCaprio
D. None of these
6. Which princess was traditionally called Badr al-Budur before Disney renamed her?
A. Jasmine
B. Belle
C. Anna
D. All of the above
7. In Swedish, a skvader is a rabbit with which of the following unusual feature?
A. Giant Hands
B. Leotard
C. Glasses
D. Wings
8. Which other characters have the three actors starred as Magneto, Iron Man and Doctor Strange play?
A. Ebenezer Scrooge
B. Basil Fawlty
C. Sherlock Holmes
D. All of the above
9. Which city elected Sadiq Khan, its first mayor from an ethnic minority, in 2016?
A. Liverpool, England
B. Greater London, England
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
10. Which French entertainer, activist, and secret agent had a pet cheetah named Chiquita?
A. Josephine Baker
B. Jacques Tati
C. Maurice Chevalier
D. None of these
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