World Malaria Day is an international observance commemorated every year in the month of April. Malaria is a serious disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. World Malaria Day started to reflect on the progress that the Global Community has made in working to control and eradicate the spread of this challenging disease. The day also allows for the Global Community which made remarkable progress in fighting Malaria to re-group and help to fight and control other infectious diseases that are prevalent in society today. So let's start this quiz and know more facts about World Malaria Day?
1. Which day is World Malaria Day?
A. 18 April
B. 25 April
C. 30 April
D. 15 April
2. Who discovered malaria?
A. Scott Halstead
B. Thomas Chambers
C. Dr. Alphonse Laveran
D. None of the above
3. When did malaria start in India?
A. 1960
B. 1950
C. 1940
D. 1930
4. Where did malaria come from?
A. India
B. Japan
C. London
D. Africa
5. What is one of the first signs of malaria?
A. Itching
B. Abdominal pain
C. Fever
D. None of these
6. Which country is free from malaria?
A. India
B. China
C. Japan
D. United State
7. How many people died of malaria in the world?
A. 527,000
B. 227,000
C. 627,000
D. 927,000
8. When was the first malaria outbreak?
A. 1250 B.C
B. 1550 B.C
C. 1850 B.C
D. 1450 B.C
9. Which country has the highest malaria?
A. India
B. Japan
C. Africa
D. None of these
10. What was the first medicine for malaria?
A. Doxycycline
B. Quinine
C. Mefloquine
D. Primaquine
11. How long did it take for malaria to be cured?
A. Five Weeks
B. Ten weeks
C. Two weeks
D. Two Months
12. What is the name of the malaria vaccine?
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