The Square Kilometre Array {SKA} Project is an international project under which the world's largest radio telescope is being built by installing several telescopes over an area of one square kilometer ie 1 million square meters. Thousands of dishes and a million low-frequency antennas will eventually be installed in the Square Kilometre Array. The design of the Square Kilometre Array is designed so that the image resolution it receives will be much higher than the Hubble Space Telescope. It will be the largest ever telescope to capture a vast area of sky. Ten member countries are cooperating in the Square Kilometre Array project. Apart from this, 100 organization's from around 20 countries are also participating in the design and construction of the Square Kilometre Array. It includes India. Let's know more about the world's largest radio telescope the square kilometre array!
1. It has a supercomputer which will ___________ the huge data produced by SKA telescopes.
A. Process
B. Analyse
C. Multiplication
D. Sending
2. What will be the total power of the computer for this?
A. Around 110 PFlops
B. Around 250 PFlops
C. Around 250 PFlops
D. Around 350 PFlops
3. If built as planned, it should be able to survey the sky more than ten___________ times faster than before.
A. 10 times
B. 100 times
C. 1,000 times
D. 1,000,0 times
4. How much present % faster will this supercomputer run than IBM's Supercomputer Summit?
A. 25%
B. 35%
C. 45%
D. 90%
5. Square Kilometre Array will have thousands of antennas and dishes that will be made in:
A. South Africa
B. South Australia
C. Kaoru Nagar
D. All of the above
6. It _____________ times more sensitive than any other radio instrument.
A. 10 times
B. 20 times
C. 50 times
D. 70 times
7. Telescope style of SKA:
A. Phased array
B. Electronically scanned array
C. Computer-controlled array
D. All of the above
8. The SKA will be built in the __________ hemisphere, with cores in South Africa and Australia.
A. Northern hemisphere
B. Southern hemisphere
C. Eastern hemisphere
D. None of these
9. What is the reason behind the SKA will be built in the southern hemisphere?
A. View of the Milky Way Galaxy is the best
B. Radio interference at its least
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
10. Where is the headquarters of the SKA project is located?
A. Australia
B. South Africa
C. India
D. United Kingdom
11. When Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) consortium was founded?
A. On 10 March 2019
B. On 11 March 2019
C. On 12 March 2019
D. On 13 March 2019
12. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) was originally conceived in:
A. In 1990
B. In 1991
C. In 1995
D. In 1999
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