The thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution formally abolished slavery in the United States. The amendment allows for people to be prosecuted for forcing someone to work against their free will. The amendment still allows for slavery as a punishment for a crime. It was the first of the three Reconstruction Amendments adopted following the American Civil War. So let's start this quiz and know everything about the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States constitution. Let's start!
1. What president of the United States issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
A. George Bush
B. Jimmy Carter
C. John Adams
D. Abraham Lincoln
2. What war was fought in the United States largely over the issue of slavery?
A. World War II
B. World War I
C. American Civil War
D. None of the above
3. What percentage of people living in the South in the mid-1800s were slaves?
A. 08% of people
B. 38% of people
C. 18% of people
D. 28% of people
4. In what year was the 13th amendment ratified?
A. 1965
B. 1775
C. 1865
D. 1895
5. What branch of government has the power to enforce the thirteenth amendment?
A. Judicial
B. Congress
C. Executive
D. Box Turtle Club
6. When did slavery actually end?
A. December 6, 1899
B. December 6, 1965
C. December 6, 1865
D. December 26, 1960
7. When did the 13th Amendment fail?
A. 1977
B. 1987
C. 1864
D. 1999
8. How long after the 13th Amendment was Lincoln shot?
A. Five months later
B. Ten Months later
C. Three months later
D. Twelve months later
9. What group showed the strongest support for the 13th Amendment?
A. The Green Parties
B. The Democratic Party
C. The Republican Party
D. Natural Law Party
10. What was the first state to ratify the 13th Amendment?
A. Hawaii
B. Nevada
C. Illinois
D. Florida
11. How many states were there when the 13th Amendment was passed?
A. Ten states
B. Twenty states
C. Thirty-six states
D. Fifty-two states
12. How many types of slavery are there in the United States?
A. Two types
B. Ten types
C. Six types
D. Seven types
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