It is a popular saying that California is a state of mind. It is a beautiful place to visit or live. Do you also wonder about going there someday? Or do you wish to move into the place and spend a good life there for all the remaining years of your life? If you have this kind of intention, let’s take the below quiz to find out which California city is the best for you to live in.
1. You are getting old? What will you do about this?
A. Get a plastic surgery
B. Start doing exercises
C. Spend more time relaxing and enjoying life
D. Visit a doctor for advice
2. What type of air do you prefer having in the atmosphere?
A. Fog
B. Smog
C. Fresh
D. Warm
3. What is your dream job?
A. A tech billionaire
B. A movie Star
C. A chef
D. An internet sensation
4. How do you feel about nature?
A. I just love it
B. I am not so obsessed with it
C. It’s good but I don’t want to live around trees
D. I don’t mind having greenery around
5. How would you like to spend your afternoon?
A. Drinking
B. Shopping
C. Exercising
D. Relaxing
6. What is your favorite food?
A. Sushi
B. Tacos
C. Falafel
D. Chinese
7. What is your favorite hobby?
A. Traveling
B. Browsing the internet
C. Reading
D. Cooking
8. How do you feel when you are stuck in lots of traffic?
A. I can’t stand it
B. I am used to it
C. I hate it
D. I change my way
9. Which of the following cars would you love to drive?
A. Jaguar
B. A sporty jeep
C. A Mercedes
D. A Range Rover
10. What is the most important goal in your life?
A. Get married
B. Travel the world
C. Become a rich person
D. Be kind to all
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