Motherhood is something that every female will feel to be blessed with a baby in their life. It is a fortunate thing for a woman to bring another life to this world, bear a lot of pain and do a million sacrifices. One question which every person or the woman herself also thinks while planning or in the period of pregnancy is whether they are going to have a boy or a girl in the upcoming future! This is not related to the gender revelation test as everyone knows how illegal it is and is also banned in a lot of places. But here, if you are really curious to know about your upcoming child and what gender they might be, then why not give a try to this quiz. Have fun and enjoy your future.
1. How has your skin been during pregnancy?
A. Glowing and flawless!
B. Breaking out more than usual.
C. No significant changes.
D. I prefer not to say.
2. How is your baby bump positioned?
A. High and more towards the front.
B. Low and all around the belly.
C. Somewhere in the middle.
D. I'm not sure.
3. Have you experienced any significant mood swings?
A. Yes, I'm all over the place!
B. A few mood swings here and there.
C. Not more than usual.
D. I don't want to discuss it.
4. How has your hair been during pregnancy?
A. Thicker and more luscious.
B. Dull and lifeless.
C. No significant changes.
D. I'd rather not say.
5. What is your favorite sport?
A. Volleyball
B. Football
C. Basketball
D. Cricket
6. What is your favorite movie genre?
A. Romantic
B. Thriller
C. Horror
D. Comedy
7. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Extroverted Introvert
C. Introverted Extrovert
D. Extrovert
8. How often do you party?
A. Often
B. Somewhat
C. Very often
D. Rarely
9. How often do you like traveling?
A. Rarely
B. Somewhat
C. Often
D. Very often
10. Which type of place do you love?
A. Mountains
B. Countryside
C. Beaches
D. Deserts
11. How would you describe your pregnancy cravings?
A. Sweet and sugary treats!
B. Savory and salty snacks!
C. A mix of sweet and salty foods!
D. I haven't had any specific cravings.
12. What's the baby's heart rate (if known)?
A. Above 140 beats per minute.
B. Below 140 beats per minute.
C. I'm not sure/Don't know.
D. I prefer not to share.
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