Insecurity refers to a condition or state of a person who has a lack of confidence, doubt, and uncertainty in a particular situation. This type of condition is faced when he/she has feeling of comparison to others, inadequacy, or past experiences of failure or rejection. Insecurity can occur in different aspects of life, including relationships, work, appearance, and personal achievements. People who suffer from insecurity avoid taking risks, experience anxiety and try to avoid most of the things. For overcoming insecurity people have to live in a positive environment, build their confidence and love themselves. So take this quiz and know more about your insecurity.
1. Do you compare tour physical appearance to others?
A. Very often
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
2. Do you satisfied with your physical appearance?
A. Very dissatisfied
B. Somewhat dissatisfied
C. Content
D. Very satisfied
3. Do you avoid physical activities?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Never
4. Do you feel that your partner losing interest in you?
A. Often
B. All the time
C. Occasionally
D. Rarely
5. How do you feel when your partner spends time with their friends?
A. Somewhat uneasy
B. Extremely anxious and jealous
C. Fine and trusting
D. Completely fine and supportive
6. Do you feel that your partner doesn't care about your feelings?
A. Sometimes i feel it
B. Always i feel this
C. May be
D. Not at all
7. Does your past relationship experience affect your present relationship?
A. To some extent
B. Considerably
C. Not at all
D. Enormously
8. Do you worry about your financial future?
A. Often
B. Sometimes
C. Constantly
D. Rarely
9. Do you feel guilty when you purchase something costly?
A. Often
B. Occasionally
C. Always
D. Not always
10. Does the thought of unexpected expenses stress you out?
A. Moderately
B. Slightly
C. A great deal
D. None of the above
11. How do you feel when you compare your financial condition to others?
A. It occasionally bothers me
B. It doesn't affect me much
C. It makes me feel inadequate
D. Rarely or never
12. How do you feel when someone tries to come close?
A. I don't believe it
B. I feel normal
C. I feel good
D. I feel doubtful
13. Do you share your personal thoughts and feelings with others?
A. Sometime hesitate
B. Fairly open
C. Very open and trusting
D. Extremely guarded
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