Flexible Quiz: How Flexible Am I? Let's Test!

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1035 | Recent Updated: 14-Oct-2024
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Flexibility tests an individual's adaptability level and how effectively they can deal with changes or problems in their daily lives. Someone who is not flexible with life often tends to break when situations are harsh and not in control, whereas someone flexible can adjust according to conditions and bring out the best of himself or herself at such times. This quiz consists of a series of questions that touch on multiple aspects of your personality and behavior, eventually telling you whether you are flexible enough or need to work more. If you wish to know how flexible you are, answer the following questions truthfully!

Questions Excerpt

1. How far can you reach when bending over to touch your toes?

A. I can easily touch the floor

B. I can just reach my toes

C. I can touch my ankles

D. I can barely reach my knees.

2. Can you sit cross-legged comfortably?

A. Yes, for long periods of time

B. Yes, but I need to shift occasionally

C. It gets uncomfortable after a while

D. Not at all, it's too hard

3. How close are you to achieving the full split?

A. I can already do it

B. I’m getting close, just a few inches away

C. I’m about halfway there

D. Nowhere near close

4. Can you perform a backbend?

A. I can do a full backbend with ease

B. I can do a backbend with some support

C. I can lean back a bit, but not much

D. I can’t do a backbend at all

5. How flexible are your hamstrings?

A. Very flexible, I can touch my toes without bending my knees

B. Moderately flexible, I can almost touch my toes

C. Slightly flexible, I need to bend my knees a bit

D. Not flexible at all, I can barely lean forward

6. How well can you twist your torso?

A. I can twist easily and turn almost 180 degrees

B. I can twist a good amount, but not too far

C. My twist is pretty limited

D. Twisting feels really stiff for me

7. How do you feel after stretching?

A. Completely refreshed and loose.

B. A little more flexible, but not much.

C. I feel sore, but it helps over time.

D. I feel stiff and sore afterward.

8. Can you touch your hands behind your back?

A. Yes, easily.

B. Yes, but it’s a bit of a struggle.

C. I can almost get them to touch.

D. Not at all, it’s impossible for me.

9. How often do you practice stretching?

A. Every day.

B. A few times a week.

C. Once in a while.

D. Hardly ever.

10. How far can you extend your legs in a straddle position?

A. I can get them completely flat on the ground.

B. I can extend them pretty far but not flat.

C. I can stretch them halfway out.

D. I can barely open my legs into a straddle.

11. Can you do a deep squat?

A. Yes, easily and comfortably.

B. Yes, but it’s a little uncomfortable.

C. I can, but I struggle to keep my balance.

D. No, I can’t go that low.

12. How does your body feel during yoga or Pilates?

A. Completely relaxed and flexible.

B. Pretty flexible, but some positions are challenging.

C. Somewhat stiff, but I manage most poses.

D. I feel stiff and uncomfortable the whole time.


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