Whether you effectively finished your education or you're wanting to wrap up your training, returning to class can be a repaying challenge that changes your life. Do you figure you should come back to class? It's a perfect chance to discover! Step through these 10 character examination questions and see whether you want to go back to school!
1. You are:
A. Optimistic by nature
B. An enthusiast
C. An opportunity seeker
D. Intelligent
2. Can you complete projects on time?
A. Yes
B. No, it takes more efforts
C. Sometimes depending on the situation
D. Not really
3. Are you still studying or doing a job?
A. I am a student
B. Doing a job
C. My studies were completed
D. Looking for a job
4. Are you happy with the job or course you are doing right now?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Sort of
D. I’m not sure
5. Who had the biggest influence in your life?
A. My family
B. Friends
C. My teachers
D. Hard work and my time
6. What hobby would you get into in your free time?
A. Doing meditation
B. Listening to music
C. Going to my dance classes
D. Draw some cool stuff
7. What would you do with the extra time?
A. Playing an instrument
B. Learn a new skill
C. Reading books
D. Gardening
8. What makes you feel accomplished?
A. Meeting a challenge
B. Complete the work before meeting a deadline
C. Making a lot of money
D. Helping others
9. What is the best thing you do in school life?
A. Bunk a lot
B. Playing a lot
C. Spent the best time in the cafeteria
D. Studying a lot
10. Do you want to go back to school?
A. Yes, I want to live my school life again
B. No
C. Somewhere, not sure
D. Don’t know
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