In analogy tests, the relationship between two given words is established and applied to the other words. The type of relationship may vary, so while attempting such questions the first step is to identify the type of relationship, which can be any one of them, Action object relationship, Association relationship, Antonym relationship, cause and effect relationship, Degree relationship, Grammatical relationship, Obvious relationship and many more. So take this quiz and check your knowledge about the analogy of relationship tests.
1. Mania is to craze phobia is to ....
A. Desires
B. Want
C. Hobbies
D. Fear
2. Secretive is to Open as Snide is to ....
A. Forthright
B. Outcome
C. Hidden
D. Advanced
3. Stammering is to Speech as Deafness is to ....
A. Ear
B. Nose
C. Hearing
D. Silence
4. Leash is to Pet as Handcuffs is to ....
A. Cunning
B. Criminals
C. Accused
D. Robbers
5. Squander is to money as Dissipate is to .....
A. Light
B. Savings
C. Banking
D. Energy
6. War is to ...... as Smoke is to pollution.
A. Alliance
B. Victory
C. Destruction
D. Peace
7. Sphere is to circle as Cone is to ......
A. Prism
B. Triangle
C. Cylinder
D. Trapezium
8. Tipsy is to Drunken as Walk is to .....
A. Stroll
B. Stride
C. Run
D. Exercise
9. Leader is to Follower as ....... is to Solider.
A. Captain
B. Army
C. Unit
D. Barrack
10. Guilt is to Past as Hope is to ....
A. Present
B. Today
C. Future
D. Despair
11. Treatment is to ...... as Education is to the teacher.
A. Doctor
B. Hospital
C. Matron
D. Clinic
12. Mango is to fruit as ...... is to Monument.
A. Red Forts
B. Tombs
C. History
D. Pillars
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