Geometry, is undoubtedly a very interesting and captivating subject, as we all can see and must have studied. When it comes to science, we can all agree that there is no shortage of unexpected factors. We all studied these two concepts together in school, which helped us understand a million other concepts. The advanced study on these topics was done in our graduation (bachelor's in science courses). One of the most famous and well-researched topics is orthographic projection. Several scientists have also issued differing opinions on the subject. Do you think you know all there is to know about this topic? Then why not give it a shot on this quiz and get your answers correct?
1. What does orthographic projection represent?
A. Four dimension project
B. One dimension project
C. Two dimension project
D. Three dimension project
2. Orthographic projection is a form of __________?
A. Pole projection
B. Perpendicular projection
C. Parallel projection
D. All of the above
3. Who first used this projection?
A. Michael Vitruvius Pollio
B. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
C. Marcus Viritus Pollio
D. Marcus Vitruvius Pablo
4. When was this projection used?
A. 14 BC
B. 15 BC
C. 16 BC
D. 17 BC
5. What is the keyterm of orthographic projection?
A. Front view
B. Top view
C. Side view
D. All of the above
6. Who discovered the orthographic projection?
A. Villius
B. Niklaus
C. Hipparchus
D. Elijah
7. When was the orthographic projection discovered?
A. 3rd Century BC
B. 2nd Century BC
C. 4th Century BC
D. 1st Century BC
8. How many views are there in orthographic projection?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 4
9. What is the principle of orthographic projection?
A. Heights of objects will remain the same between Elevations including End Elevations and Auxiliary Elevations
B. Widths of Objects will remain the same between the main Elevation, Plan and Auxiliary Plans.
C. Lines & Surfaces parallel to the Vertical Plane will appear as true lengths/shapes in the Elevation
D. All of the above
10. What is the method of orthographic projection?
A. First line projection
B. Third line projection
C. Both of these
D. None of these
11. What is the common projection surface?
A. Conic
B. Cylindrical
C. Planar
D. All of the above
12. What is the plane of orthographic projection?
A. Frontal plane
B. Horizontal plane
C. Profile Plane
D. All of the above
13. What is the type of orthographic projection?
A. Dimetric projection
B. Isometric projection
C. Trimetric projection
D. All of the above
14. What map projection is most accurate?
A. AuthaGraphy Projection
B. AuthaGrammar Projection
C. AlphaGraphy Projection
D. BetaaGraphy Projection
15. Which projection is most widely used?
A. The Mercury Projection
B. The Mercator Projection
C. The Merrald Projection
D. All of the above
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