Anatomy, a field in the biological sciences concerned with the identification and description of the body structures of living things. Plant anatomy is the study of the shape, structure, and size of plants. As a part of botany, plant anatomy focuses on the structural or body parts and systems that make up a plant. A typical plant body consists of three major vegetative organs: the root, the stem, and the leaf, as well as a set of reproductive parts that include flowers, fruits, and seeds. Let's know more about Anatomy of Flowering Plants.
1. Bordered pits are very common among tracheids of...
A. Monocotyledons
B. Dicotyledons
C. Ptreidophytes
D. Gymnosperm
2. Vessels differ from tracheids...
A. In being living
B. In being derived from a single cell
C. In having row of cells with cross walls dissolved
D. Because they conduct water
3. Vessels and companion of cells are respectively present in the xylem and phloem of...
A. Gymnosperm
B. Pteridophytes
C. Angiosperm
D. Bryophyte
4. Sieve plates in angiosperm...
A. Oblique in lateral walls
B. Straight and in end wall
C. Oblique and in end wall
D. Straight and in lateral wall
5. In xylem, fibers give strength to...
A. Vessels
B. Tracheids
C. Parenchyma
D. Storage tissue
6. The term Leptom refers to...
A. Soft walled conducting part of the phloem
B. Non conducting part of the phloem
C. Conducting part of the xylem
D. Non conducting part of xylem
7. An angiosperm, lacking vessels is...
A. Trochodendron
B. Acacia
C. Salix
D. Dendrocalamus
8. P-protein is constituent of...
A. Sieve tube elements
B. Xylem parenchyma
C. Parenchyma
D. Pericycle
9. Companion cells...
A. Forms apart of radial system of secondary phloem
B. And sieve tubes are formed through division of same mother cell
C. Are associated with sieve cells transversely through plasmodesmata
D. Maintains pressure gradient in phloem fibres
10. A cap-like region of inactive cells between the root cap and the active meristematic region is a quiescent center function of a quiescent center may be...
A. As a reserve of cells less sensitive to injury
B. To suppress the growth of main roots
C. Formation of lateral roots
D. Synthesis of DNA at fast rate
11. Which is not associated with function of fibres?
A. Dispersal of anemochorous seeds
B. Mechanical support
C. Prevents collapse of leaf in Nerium
D. Dispersal of zoochorous seeds
12. Xylem is called complex tissue because...
A. It is made of four type of cells
B. It is responsible for ascent of sap
C. It has lignified cells
D. Components of xylem has different origin
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