Are You A Good Sibling Quiz

Questions : 14 | Total Attempts: 54230 | Recent Updated: 27-Apr-2024
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Every sibling shares a special bond. After some time or when they become young maybe the bond changed but some special feelings remain the same between them. It may seem funny to question relations between brothers and sisters, yet it becomes a necessity when things are falling apart. It helps to realize the good and bad between your brothers or sisters. Do I expect something from our relationship? Do my siblings are an asset that I want to preserve all through my life? It is where you need to understand the relationship goals. Take this short but engaging quiz that allows finding are you a good sibling.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the first thing you say to your sibling after waking up in the morning?

A. Good Morning

B. Get up and brush

C. Yell like hell

D. Nothing

2. What kind of relationship do you share with your sibling?

A. We share all pleasantries and sorrows

B. They fear from me

C. We don't talk

D. We don't meet

3. You fight with your sibling over:

A. Watching TV

B. Eating Pizza

C. We don't fight

D. Selecting baseball bat

4. How often do you disagree with your sibling?

A. Never

B. Often

C. Rarely

D. Always

5. Do you help your siblings in studies?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes when I get time

C. Often I make adjustment to my schedule to tutor them

D. No. I don't teach

6. How do you react to your sibling's impish activities?

A. I enjoy it

B. I am annoyed from it

C. It doesn't affect me

D. I beat them

7. How many common interests are there between you & your sibling?

A. None

B. 1 or 2

C. Everything is common

D. 3-4

8. What do you do if one of your siblings stole your toy?

A. Scold him/her

B. Tell your parents

C. Beat him/her

D. Steal his/her toy in revenge

9. Do you enjoy when your parents scold your siblings?

A. No. I feel pity on him/her

B. Yes. I enjoy

C. Most often I am a mum audience

D. Sometimes I feel bad

10. Do you buy gifts for your sibling on your birthday?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Mostly

D. I am short of money

11. Do you go for an outing with your siblings?

A. Yes. We enjoy together

B. No. We don't go

C. We sometimes go out

D. You will often see us together

12. Does your sibling share secrets with you?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes, but they hide some of them

C. Every secret

D. No

13. If your sibling used your stuff without your permission, what do you do with him/her?

A. Just scold him/her

B. Only said that don't do it again

C. Said nothing

D. Beat him/her

14. If your sibling is not at home then you miss him/her company?

A. Little bit

B. May be

C. Yes

D. No


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