Interesting Quiz On Famous Brothers

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1125 | Recent Updated: 17-Dec-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Many famous faces have siblings who excel in one area or another. We've all heard of Marx Brothers and Williams Sisters, now learn a little more about some other famous families! So let's take the quiz! All the best!

Questions Excerpt

1. Who is the tennis player of John McEnroe's 1989 French Open doubles title winner?

A. Rafael McEnroe

B. James mechanro

C. Boris McEnroe

D. Patrick mechanro

2. Who is the brother of George Bush who became governor of Florida in 1999?

A. Peter bush

B. Adam bush

C. Jeb bush

D. Romeo Bush

3. With which game would you associate the brothers Pieten and Eli Manning?

A. Baseball

B. American football

C. Basketball

D. Beach volleyball

4. Who are the Mario brothers according to Nintendo's arcade game "Mario Brothers"?

A. Charlie and jack

B. Mario and Luigi

C. Thompson and thomson

D. Dollars and yen

5. Who is the famous brother of Wilbur Wright?

A. Orville

B. Gillette

C. Govan

D. Christian

6. How are Groucho, Zeppo, Chico, Gummo, and Harpo collectively known?

A. Marx brothers

B. Allman brothers

C. Mario brothers

D. Parker brothers

7. Who among the following is the brother of Moses?

A. Noah

B. Gershom

C. Levi

D. Aaron

8. According to the Bible, who are the two sons of Adam and Eve?

A. Cain and Abel

B. Zeus and cane

C. Abel and Lothar

D. Abraham and Melchizedek

9. Which two boxers are known as "The Klitschko Brothers"?

A. Michael and ben

B. Sergei and Vitali

C. Elle and mike

D. Vladimir and Vitaly

10. Who is the famous brother of Brazilian football star Rai, who is also a football star?

A. Socrates

B. Garrincha

C. Pele

D. Salute

11. With which game would you pair the brother's Stan and Jeff Van Gundy?

A. Baseball

B. Basketball

C. Softball

D. Handball

12. Who is the famous actor brother of Emilio Estevez and Ramon Estevez?

A. Michael Caine

B. Antonio Banderas

C. Charlie Sheen

D. David niven


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