Are You A Good Sister Quiz

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 106343 | Recent Updated: 03-Apr-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Family is very important for every person because it accepts you as you are. In the family, a person shares a strong bond with their sibling. It is a sketchy thing to do, yet we need to know how dedicated sisters are to you. Is it fun, do you make a strong team or do you do the complete world for your siblings? Having the sibling relationship goals set in mind, try to find out if you are regular in upholding the relationship with brothers and sisters well. Take this quiz and have the opportunity to figure it out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you babysit for your younger siblings?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Often

D. My mom gets me chocolates and pastries for this

2. Do you watch your sibling's favorite TV show with them?

A. Not interested

B. Always

C. I force them to watch my show

D. Sometimes

3. Do you play with them?

A. Yes. I enjoy it

B. I can't handle them

C. Often I don't

D. It is a funny thought

4. What is your idea of entertainment of your siblings?

A. Playing video games together

B. Watching YouTube videos

C. Playing outdoor games

D. Drive to have icecream together

5. How much do you rate the love for your sibling?

A. 0-2

B. 4-5

C. 5-6

D. 8+

6. Do you advise your sibling on BG/GF issues?

A. Yes

B. My sibling always seek my advice on this

C. Sometimes I do

D. We never discuss such things

7. I like cooking for my sibling and his/her friends?

A. Yes. Very much

B. Anything for them

C. I don't know to cook

D. I hate kitchen chores

8. If your wakes up midnight as he got a nightmare, you:

A. Scold him

B. Leave with parents

C. Make him sleep again

D. Sleep with him to comfort him

9. I miss my sibling when he/she is not around?

A. Yes. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Always true

D. Completely false

10. Are you critical of your sibling's clothes?

A. Yes

B. No. I don't pay attention to what they wear

C. I share my views only when asked

D. I always assist with styling tips

11. Do you know your sibling's favorite movie actor?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I can guess

D. He/she keeps on changing

12. How often do you call or text your sibling?

A. Daily

B. Twice a day

C. Once in a week

D. Every fortnight

13. If your sbling has a bad day then how do you cheer her up?

A. Take her out for party

B. Give some good suggestions to overcome the situation

C. Give her favorite chocolate

D. Leave her alone

14. When your sibling gets married, how do you feel?

A. Get emotional

B. Happy for her

C. Have mixed emotion

D. Relaxed

15. Do you share your secret with your sibling?

A. Some of them

B. Yes, Ofcourse

C. Depends upon the secret

D. Never


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