Good Older Sister Quiz: Are You A Good Older Sister?

Questions : 11 | Total Attempts: 2855 | Recent Updated: 03-Nov-2024
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Wondering if you’re the kind of older sister who sets a great example or just someone who enjoys teasing? Take our "Are You A Good Older Sister Quiz" to find out! This fun quiz will help you assess your relationship with your younger siblings through a series of questions that explore your support, guidance, and, yes, a little bit of playful teasing. Get ready to discover how good of an older sister you are!

Questions Excerpt

1. Describe yourself in words from your family perspective?

A. Loving

B. Ideal

C. Spoiled Brat

D. Studious

2. If your sibling had a hectic and bad day what would you do?

A. Give a massage

B. Offer a coffee

C. Comfort with conversation

D. Ask to take rest

3. Your sibling achieves a trophy for his performance in their perspective area, how would you react?

A. Congratulate

B. Feel Proud

C. Will be happy

D. Get annoy

4. Do you feel awkward introducing your sibling to your friends?

A. No

B. Obviously yes

C. I let them be friends

D. Brief Introduction

5. Mostly how do you greet your sibling?

A. Hug them

B. Smile and say "Hey"

C. Ignore them

D. Wait for them to speak

6. What you think if your sibling dates someone, will you support your sibling's relation?

A. Never

B. Give a talk about it

C. If needed

D. Will Suggest to be careful

7. How often do you text/call or communicate with your sibling?

A. Everyday

B. When he/she communicated

C. Occasionally

D. Don't count

8. If you and your sibling go shopping and like the same piece of material which is only available what will you do?

A. Act as you don't want it

B. Give it to your sibling saying that you will look for something else

C. Buy it for yourself

D. Will leave that and say no one will take it

9. What do you wish to gift your sibling?

A. Trip

B. Expensive Gadget

C. Accessories

D. Whatever they want

10. How often do you spend time with your younger sibling?

A. All the time; we’re best friends

B. Sometimes; it depends on our schedules

C. Rarely; we have different interests

D. When I have to, like family gatherings

11. How do you view your role as an older sister?

A. A mentor and supporter

B. Just someone who’s older

C. The fun one who teases

D. A sibling who does their own thing


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