The question that arises is whether we are extroverts, introverts,s or ambiverts? Sometimes, we get confused about the same hence couldn’t really answer this question! So, why don’t you take this quiz and figure out your personality type with this fun quiz? Also, do share with your friends and let them know their personality types too.
1. Do you feel comfortable when you are alone?
A. Yes, I love it.
B. Umm, sometimes.
C. Being alone I’ll die
D. Only when I am sad
2. How do you feel at social gatherings?
A. I avoid being at social gatherings.
B. I don’t know. It depends on the person.
C. I love talking to new people.
D. I only talk to those who I know already.
3. What is the first word that describes you perfectly?
A. Quiet and observant
B. Friendly and chatterbox
C. Sweet and Jolly
D. Unable to describe myself
4. How much are you comfortable talking to a stranger on call?
A. My hands start trembling before I get on a call
B. You just have to talk. What’s there to get scared?
C. I need to practice first and then I am fine.
D. Umm, it totally depends on how other person speaks.
5. How likely you are going to ask your crush on a date?
A. Very likely
B. Depends on how that person is
C. Noooooo
D. Might be through someone
6. Do you love to work in a team?
A. Nope
B. Only if they are my friends
C. Kinda
D. Yess
7. A stranger is sitting next to you. Will you start a conversation on your own?
A. Ofcourse, that’s what I do
B. I don’t like talking
C. Only If I find something similar with the stranger
D. Only if that stranger start talking to me first
8. What’s your hobby?
A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Swimming
D. Basketball
9. What are you likely to do on a weekend?
A. Watch a movie alone
B. Hangout with my friends
C. Night out at a bar
D. Sleep whole day
10. How do you react when the spotlight is on you?
A. I freaked out
B. Loveee it
C. Umm, depends on what’s the reason for spotlight
D. I don’t care
11. Do you make eye contact while you are communicating?
A. Yes, if it’s someone I know already
B. Yes, absolutely
C. No, I get nervous
D. Umm, sometimes
12. What will you choose? A party with close friends or A trip with random people?
A. Definitely, a party with close friends
B. Random people! Ah it’s scary
C. I am fine with both
D. Anything because both are going to drain my energy anyway!
13. You feel you’re being you when you are with:
A. Your close friends
B. Anyone
C. When I am at home
D. Every time except when I am the center of attention
14. You are comfortable + productive when you are:
A. Work from home
B. Work from Office
C. Hybrid culture
D. All of them
15. How do you feel when the plan gets canceled?
A. Best feeling ever
B. Worst feeling ever
C. Oh! It’s alright
D. I would love to be outside till my battery gets drained
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