Are You Homophobic Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 481 | Recent Updated: 24-Apr-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Homophobic personality has personality traits such as empathy, religiosity, and style to copy with respect to respondents' age and gender. Mostly nowadays youth are more responsive toward HAS (Homophobia Attitude Scale) and other personalized features. Originally most homophobia, greater affective discomfort around gays, less endorsement of human rights for gays, and greater homophobia.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your perspective on a homosexual relationships?

A. It's normal

B. Completely against of it

C. Never met with such people, do they exist

D. It's so weired

2. How would you feel if your friend is homosexual?

A. Would stay away from him

B. Will be casual

C. Not easy to be normal with him

D. Would try to get more close with him

3. Do you feel that homosexuals are trustworthy?

A. Yes they can be trusted

B. No I don't think we can trust them

C. No idea

D. May be they can be trusted

4. What do you think about homosexuality?

A. Natural

B. Immoral

C. Disgusting

D. Modernization

5. Will you be comfortable if you get to know the person sitting next to you on a journey is homosexual?

A. I will try to change my seat

B. I would stay reserve and won't give chance to communicate

C. No Idea

D. It won't affect me

6. What is your way of treatment towards homosexual people?

A. Crack Jokes on them

B. Try to enquire more about their emotions and understand them

C. Tease them

D. Tried making derogatory

7. What do you think are homosexuals desperate for everyone?

A. No, may be only for their partner

B. Yes, try to chase everyone

C. Never thought about it

D. May be attracted to all

8. How will you react if you need to share a room with a homosexual?

A. Will checkout from that place

B. Will try to be friendly with him

C. Will stay in that room but stay away from him

D. Will demand for other room

9. What do you think, about what impact homosexuals have on society?

A. Immoral

B. Another way of lifestyle

C. Foreign Culture

D. Motivating

10. What percentage do you support homosexual marriages in India?

A. Nil

B. 50%

C. 100%

D. 25%

11. How children and youth are affected by homosexuality?

A. Out of curiosity go on wrong way

B. Get aware about foreign culture

C. Get attracted towards each other

D. Inspired by something opposite to nature

12. Are you in support of organizations that support and fight for LGBTQ rights?

A. Yes, it's a good work

B. Not at all, they are also spoiling culture of our society

C. I don't care about all this

D. Don't know about them, but doing good deed


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