"Is My Friend Toxic Quiz" is a comprehensive and insightful self-assessment tool designed to help you evaluate your friendships and identify potential toxic patterns. This quiz consists of thought-provoking questions that delve into various aspects of your relationship with your friend, shedding light on red flags and warning signs. By taking the "Is My Friend Toxic Quiz," you gain valuable introspection, allowing you to recognize unhealthy dynamics that might be affecting your emotional well-being. Armed with this newfound awareness, you can make informed decisions about how to navigate the friendship and, if necessary, take steps towards healthier and more positive connections in your life.
1. Do you talk on a daily basis?
A. I free my time for them
B. No, only when I get time
C. Somewhat depending upon work
D. We don't talk
2. What will you do if they lie to you?
A. Never mind
B. Understand they might have reasons
C. Get angry on them and never talk again
D. Will try to ask if I need them
3. When you share your achievements or good news with your friend, how do they typically respond?
A. They genuinely celebrate your success.
B. They seem disinterested or change the subject.
C. They become jealous or try to one-up you.
D. Only if they find any profit
4. How does your friend react when you express your concerns or feelings?
A. They listen attentively and offer support.
B. They dismiss your emotions or belittle your problems.
C. They turn the conversation back to themselves.
D. Mixed up feeling
5. If you ever try to hide your emotions, do they guess your actual mood?
A. Yes in a go
B. It doesn't even bothers them
C. They sometimes ask me if I am okay
D. They just come for their work
6. Do you feel important with them when you go out in a group?
A. It depends on their mood to talk
B. They don't invite me
C. Never
D. they introduce me to everyone
7. When conflicts arise between you and your friend, how do they handle them?
A. They are open to discussing and resolving the issues.
B. They become defensive and refuse to take responsibility.
C. They resort to personal attacks and name-calling.
D. They ignore the conflict and pretend everything is fine.
8. How do you feel after spending time with your friend?
A. Happy, valued, and energized.
B. Anxious, drained, or emotionally exhausted.
C. Confused about where you stand in the friendship.
D. Regretful or unhappy.
9. Do you think if they know if your partner cheats on you and your friend knows they might tell you?
A. They would be that cheater
B. Only if they need to win my trust
C. Yes, they will scold me and make me understand
D. Never, it won't bother them much
10. Do your family also trust them?
A. They really hate them
B. They don't find them good for me
C. Somewhat
D. Completely the best
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