You have been a wonderful friend to your bestie for such a long time have you ever wondered if you both were to be in a game show where you have to tell everything about your bestie. Do you think you will win that show? Ever wondered how well do you know your bestie. Attempt our quiz and test yourself.
1. How long have you known your bestie?
A. Since a long time
B. 1 year
C. A decade
D. Since the times I know my mother
2. Do you remember his phone number?
A. No, I don’t
B. I even know his dad’s number
C. Yes, I do
D. Maybe
3. Do you know your besties’ crush?
A. Yes, I do
B. No, I don’t
C. Should I tell in front of everyone?
D. Can’t keep a count
4. What is your favorite place to hang out?
A. Depends on our mood
B. We don’t go out often
C. There are a lot
D. We just go to one place
5. Can you guess his/her favorite movie?
A. No, I cannot remember
B. Maybe
C. It keeps changing
D. I don’t remember
6. Can you guess his/her celebrity crush?
A. There are a lot
B. Meryl Streep!
C. No Idea
D. I don’t care
7. Can you tell his/her favorite color?
A. No, I a cannot
B. Maybe
C. It was red
D. Yeah, Sure
8. Do you know his astrological sign?
A. No, I don’t
B. What is an astrological sign?
C. Maybe
D. Yes, I do
9. Do you know all his secrets?
A. Maybe
B. Not sure
C. He/she never tells me
D. I even know his phone password
10. Can you tell his/her most embarrassing moment?
A. No, I cannot remember
B. There are a lot
C. Yes
D. Maybe
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