When two or more two persons agree to invest money to run a business jointly, this association or deal is called a partnership and those who invest money are called partners. The total investment is called capital. There are two kinds of partners working or active partners and sleeping or non-active partner. There are two types of partnership also first one is a simple partnership and the other one is a complex or compound partnership. So take this and check your knowledge about partnership.
1. A and B started a business with an investment of Rs. 80000 and 60000 respectively. At the end of the year, total profit in the business will be divided between them in the ratio of ....
A. 2:3
B. 3:4
C. 2:1
D. 4:3
2. Ronan and Lara started a business in partnership with the investment of 4000 and 6000 respectively. If at the end of the year the total profit is 2250, what will each of them get?
A. 900 and 1350
B. 800 and 1450
C. 1000 and 1250
D. 1200 and 1050
3. Hugo started a business with a capital of 8000. After six months, Diego joined him with an investment of some capital. If at the end of the year each of them gets an equal amount as profit, how much did Diego invest in the business?
A. 18000
B. 17500
C. 16000
D. 16590
4. Sam, Mike, and Michael together start a business with an investment of 1800, 1500, and 1600 respectively. If at the end of the year Mike gains a profit of 900 the total profit in the business is.....
A. 2880
B. 3200
C. 2940
D. 3240
5. John, Jimmy, and Jacky buy a Farm for 100000. John contributes 40000 in it. They sell it and from the profit, Jimmy gets 2750, and Jacky gets 1750. What would be the profit of john?
A. 2780
B. 3000
C. 3280
D. 2785
6. A and B jointly invest 2100 and 3100 respectively in a firm. A is an active partner and hence gets 25% of the profit separately. Business yields them total 1040 as profit. What will be the gain of each of them?
A. 575 and 465
B. 415 and 625
C. 515 and 525
D. None of these
7. If Rambo and john. Enter into a partnership . Rambo contribute 7000 and john contributes 10000. If the profit at the end of the year amount to 7310, what would be the share of john in the profit?
A. 4000
B. 4500
C. 4200
D. 4300
8. Michael, Diego, and Hugo together took under lease a pasture ground for 888. If in this pasture ground Michael put his 20 sheep out to graze for 2 and half months, Diego put his sheep out to graze for 4 months and Hugo put his 36 Sheep out to graze for 3 and half months, find the lease amount paid by each of them.
A. 150, 360 and 378
B. 205, 315 and 378
C. 228, 360 and 300
D. 170, 360 and 358
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