Heat is a type of energy that expresses the temperature difference between the two substances. Heat always transfers from one place to another and this transfer always takes place between a material with a high temperature and a substance with a low temperature. So take this quiz and know more about the heat.
1. What is the S.I unit of heat?
A. Coulomb
B. Watt
C. Newton
D. Joule
2. At which temperature, Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same?
A. -40
B. 0
C. 20
D. -30
3. Which one of the following has the highest heat capacity?
A. Air
B. Wind
C. Soil
D. Water
4. The process of transfer of heat in solids is called ....
A. Convection
B. Radiation
C. Conduction
D. Insolation
5. Heat is transmitted by which method?
A. Radiation
B. Convection
C. Conduction
D. All of the above
6. The human body is ...
A. Heat conductor
B. Malicious
C. Anti-heat
D. Metabolic
7. By which method, the transmission of heat from the Sun to the Earth?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All of the above
8. Energy when the heat is generated ...
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain equal
D. Insolation
9. The surface temperature of the Sun is ...
A. 600 Kelvin
B. 2000 Kelvin
C. 6000 Kelvin
D. 7000 Kelvin
10. Bolometer is the measuring device of ...
A. Pressure
B. Growth of plants
C. Wind speed
D. Thermal radiation
11. Sun's temperature is measured by ....
A. Platinum temperature
B. Gas temperature
C. Evaporation temperature
D. Pyrometer temperature
12. Heat is the unit of capacity ...
A. Joules per Kelvin
B. Joules per work
C. Calories
D. None of these
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