Cybercrime Trivia Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1242 | Recent Updated: 03-Dec-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Cyber denotes the relationship with information technology. Cybercrime is also called computer crime, e-crime. The use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends. Examples of cybercrime are hacking, cyberstalking, trafficking in child pornography and stealing identity, etc. In cybercrime, a computer is used as a tool or target. So take this quiz and know more about Cybercrime.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following is not cyber-crime?

A. Theft

B. Cyber stalking

C. Hacking

D. Cyber vandalism

2. Which of the following cyber-crime is against a person?

A. Cyber stalking

B. Loss of privacy

C. Impersonation

D. All of the above

3. Which of the following is not the cause of cyber-crime?

A. Negligence

B. Easy to access

C. Loss of evidence

D. Psychological issues

4. In which year IT act law came into existence?

A. 2001

B. 1999

C. 2000

D. 2002

5. Which body monitors the cyber-crime?

A. National cyber coordination center

B. National information board

C. National coordinator for counterterrorism and security

D. National cyber security center

6. What was the full form of ITA 2000?

A. International Technology Act- 2000

B. Information Technology Act -2000

C. Indian technology Act – 2000

D. None of the above

7. Which of the following cannot be exploited by assigning or by licensing the rights of others?

A. Patent

B. Design

C. Trademarks

D. All of the above

8. Assessing a computer without prior authorization is a cyber-crime come under ______.

A. Section 65

B. Section 66

C. Section 58

D. Section 67

9. Authentication is _____.

A. Certifying system controller

B. To assure the identity of user

C. Modification

D. None of the above

10. Which of the following is a real example of privacy risk except?

A. Hacker

B. Viruses

C. Spam

D. Identity theft

11. World computer security day is _____________.

A. October 30

B. September 30

C. December 30

D. November 30

12. The ______ contain 13 chapters and 90 section.

A. IT act 2000

B. Indian penal code

C. Companies act

D. Indian evidence Act


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