Which Linux Distro Should I Use Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2760 | Recent Updated: 12-Jan-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Linux Operating System, one in popularity but still the most important and enquired question arises is, "With all the different Linux distributions, which one is right for you and your use?". Thus our selection of Linux distribution is associated with several attributes of our working criteria and our need for supporting the software we are basically working on. Thus the selection of Linux may differ from use to use of the person depending on the reason for using their OS.

Questions Excerpt

1. Rate yourself about your picky and choosy nature?

A. Always want it my way

B. Work over Controlling things to last detail

C. Spoiled bratt

D. Hard to please

2. How much handy are you about your technical skills and gadgets?

A. Expertise

B. Proficient

C. Learner

D. Not at all good with technology

3. How much updated you are with the versions and technology in the IT domain?

A. 30%

B. 50%

C. 80%

D. 100%

4. What is your primary goal of using a laptop/desktop?

A. Programming/coding

B. Movies/Music

C. Video Games

D. All of the above

5. If we talk about your daily schedule or work timing, then how much work do you prefer to do?

A. Hate to work

B. Balanced work

C. Work is all in your life

D. Working is only a need

6. How about rating yourself for being a media junkie?

A. Rare out of bore

B. Snobber of Music/Movie

C. Selected with the utilization of the media

D. No Idea

7. If we talk about your artistic quality then what are your views for the same?

A. Not at all creative

B. Like broad Canvas

C. Customized creativity

D. Does sleeping count

8. What will be your views about your patience level while using technology and gadgets?

A. Easy Button only

B. Reasonably minimum patience

C. Don't need challenge or waiting time

D. Perfect with the chance of patience

9. What is your level of interest in respect to playing games?

A. Addicted

B. Play when bored

C. Not at all interested

D. When new games are released

10. Are you an expert programmer or one who knows well how to involve coding?

A. Programming is your strength

B. Coding is your shelter

C. When it is mandate

D. Oh Alas! what's this programming


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