We all know how important it is for everyone to manage their single and crucial data and manage them. The way we all can manage every important information and data is what makes the task easy and manageable. And this is what is called the crucial task and said Data Handling part. Data handling is what every person needs to have control of your personal data and information to maintain stability. But, apart from this definition, there is a lot more that you need to understand about data handling. Do you think you are really smart enough to answer all about this topic? Then, why not try this amazing trivia quiz and see how well you can really score here.
1. The collection at the initial observation is called _________?
A. Secondary data
B. Unfiltered Information
C. Befiltered
D. Raw data
2. The collection of numerical information is called _______?
A. Observation
B. Information
C. Data
D. None of these
3. What is the probability of an impossible event?
A. Minus one
B. Zero
C. Two
D. Three
4. _____________ is the number of times a particular entry occurs.
A. Frequency
B. Mean
C. Median
D. Range
5. What is the pictorial representation of data with symbols called?
A. Pie Chart
B. Histogram
C. Bar Graph
D. Pictograph
6. The relationship between a whole and its part is shown by __________?
A. Histogram
B. Pictograph
C. Pie Chart
D. All of the above
7. What is the probability of a sure event?
A. Zero
B. One
C. Minus One
D. Infinity
8. In a ___________, there is no gap between the bars?
A. Histogram
B. Pie Chart
C. Bar Graph
D. Pictograph
9. How can you arrange and present data?
A. Distribute it
B. Pictorial representation
C. Histogram
D. Grouped frequency distribution
10. The probability of an event ranges between __ and ___.
A. 0 and 2
B. -1 and 1
C. 0 and 1
D. 1 to infinity
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