Embryonic Germ Layers Quiz Questions and Answers

Questions : 9 | Total Attempts: 337 | Recent Updated: 13-Mar-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Do you know there are different layers of germs in the human body? Why don't you take these germ layers in the human body trivia quiz? Germs live everywhere. You can find germs (microbes) in the air, in food, plants, and animals, in soil and water, and even in the human body. This quiz has been developed to make you aware of the different types of Germ layers in the human body. So, let's try out the quiz. All the best to you!

Questions Excerpt

1. How many germ layers are there in human beings?

A. Ten germ layers

B. Five germ layers

C. Two germ layers

D. Three germ layers

2. Which is the 1st germ layer to form?

A. Endoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Ectoderm

D. None of these

3. How many stages of embryonic development?

A. Ten stages

B. Two stages

C. Six stages

D. Three stages

4. How many stages of the embryonic period?

A. Five stages

B. Two stages

C. Four stages

D. Ten stages

5. How many types of embryology are there?

A. Five

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

6. How many genes are in an embryo?

A. 3,000 human genes

B. 13,000 human genes

C. 23,000 human genes

D. 43,000 human genes

7. What is the last organ to develop in a fetus?

A. The Brain

B. The Heart

C. The lungs

D. The Brain

8. Which of the following organ is formed during gastrulation?

A. Gill

B. Heart

C. Archenteron

D. Vitelline membrane

9. Which germ layer develops first during embryonic development?

A. Endoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Ectoderm

D. None of these


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