Disease of the Circulatory System Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 814 | Recent Updated: 23-Feb-2021
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A disease is defined as a state of non-regular functioning of the body. Disorders of the circulatory system can be defined as any disease that affects the heart, blood vessels, and blood cells. This disorder leads to insufficient or reduced transport of blood, oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to tissues and cells. In practice, cardiovascular disease is treated by a cardiologist, thoracic surgeon, blood vessel surgeon, neuropsychologist, and obstructive radiologist, whose scope depends on the component system under treatment. There is a lot of mutual overgrowth between different specializations and it is common that some procedures are performed by different types of specialists in the same hospital. Let's know more about the Disease of the Circulatory System.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which disease is caused by a defect in impulse transmission in the heart?

A. Rhythmicity disease

B. Heart attack

C. Hypertension

D. All of the above

2. If the systolic capacity and the calibration capacity in humans exceeds ________ Hg and ________Hg respectively, it is called hypertension.

A. 40 Hg and 90Hg

B. 140 Hg and 9Hg

C. 140 Hg and 90Hg

D. 100 Hg and 90Hg

3. What is the name of blood cancer?

A. Haemophilia

B. Leukaemia

C. Thyroid

D. None of these

4. Heart disease that involves inflammation of the heart muscle and/or the tissue surrounding it:

A. Hypertensive heart disease

B. Inflammatory heart disease

C. Pulmonary heart disease

D. All of the above

5. When the opening between the right and left atria or ventricles remain open call:

A. Anemic

B. Blue Baby Syndrome

C. Hypertension

D. Hemophilia

6. Which is characterized by the reduced blood supply to the organ?

A. Hereditary heart disease

B. Ischaemic heart disease

C. Blue Baby Syndrome

D. Hypertension

7. In which heat disease caused by unavoidable genetic factors?

A. Hereditary heart disease

B. Pulmonary heart disease

C. Ischaemic heart disease

D. Blue Baby Syndrome

8. Which is caused by a lack of blood flow to the part of the Brain?

A. Hemophilia

B. Stroke

C. Blue Baby Syndrome

D. None of these

9. Blood contains an abnormally large number of red blood cells called:

A. Anemia

B. Polycythemia

C. Stroke

D. None of these

10. By whom are the electrical signals generated by nerves and muscles in the working state of the heart studied and recorded?

A. Ultrasound

B. X-Ray

C. Electrocardiograph


11. The signals of electrical activities occurring during the contraction and relaxation of the various orbitals of the heart are received as waves of a certain pattern, these waves are called:

A. P waves

B. Q waves

C. R waves

D. All of the above

12. P to Q is:

A. Origin of impulse in AVN

B. Contraction of atrium

C. Origin of impulse in SAN

D. None of these


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