You'd be lying if you say that this question doesn't keep you awake at night. It's totally normal to wonder whether they like you, after all, they have done something to make you feel this way. If you go ask your friends to guide you in this situation, it might not be helpful. Some of them will say how that person is so into you, while others will believe that you're just overthinking too much. Reading articles about signs of that person liking you will just make you feel restless, and wanting to observe their body language. But do you really have the time to spy on them? Probably not. However, this quiz won't take long to tell whether a person likes you.
1. Who initiates the conversation between you two?
A. They do, most of the times
B. I do, most of the times
C. We both do it equally
D. No one does, we rarely talk
2. What do you guys talk about?
A. Our dreams
B. Our everyday hurdles
C. Nothing serious, only fun topics
D. Small talk
3. How much time do they give you?
A. As much as they can
B. Quite a lot
C. Not much
D. They rarely give me time
4. Have they introduced you to their friends?
A. Yes, many times
B. Yes, only once
C. Never
D. They just tell me they'll introduce me, but never do
5. How are they towards you?
A. Authoritative
B. Dominating
C. Friendly
D. They act as if I'm their spouse
6. Do they tell you about their crush?
A. Actually, they are in a relationship
B. Yes, they like their crush a lot
C. No, they hide it from me
D. No, I'm sure they don't have a crush
7. Have they ever told you that they like you?
A. Yes, it was quite deep
B. Yes, only as a friend
C. No, they denied
D. No, we never talked about this
8. Are you more attractive than they are?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. I don't know
9. At what time of the day do they like talking to you?
A. During the day
B. During the night
C. Nothing in particular
D. All day long
10. Which of the qualities do they show towards you?
A. Respect
B. Patience
C. Kindness
D. None
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