How crazy is being in love with someone without knowing their feelings? Maybe they love you or just like you. It's so difficult to tell how Mr. Wonderful or Miss Pretty feels about you. Your friends might have suggested several methods on how to know if someone loves you but, are they reliable? Maybe yes or maybe not! This quiz is your trustworthy companion to get you out of this tricky situation. Answer the questions and find if someone admires you and secretly in love with you.
1. Has he/she ever confessed their love for you?
A. Never
B. Many times
C. He/she said jokingly
D. Once he/she told they have a liking for me
2. How often do they take the time to see you?
A. Every day
B. Once a week
C. More than once a week
D. We rarely see each other
3. What is the usual compliment by them?
A. You look nice in this dress
B. You always know how to make me happier
C. I love your smile
D. There is no one like you
4. Does your special someone talk about honeymoon and children?
A. Always
B. Only a couple of times
C. Seldom
D. Never
5. Have they said ‘I love you’?
A. I am still waiting to hear it
B. They say it often
C. Yes, but, I don’t know if it is not a joke
D. Yes, it took me on cloud 9
6. How was their expression while saying ‘I love you’?
A. Was looking into my eyes
B. Was walking out of the door, it was a casual approach
C. It was a careless gesture
D. They never said ‘I love you’
7. When did he/she say ‘I love you’?
A. On my birthday
B. On his/her birthday
C. When you gifted them their favorite perfume
D. They say any time
8. Do they share dark secrets with you?
A. Sometimes
B. Often
C. Never
D. Seldom
9. When you’re apart what do they do?
A. Call you often
B. Bombard text messages on the phone
C. Both call and text often
D. Normal, nothing
10. You didn’t turn up for Friday date because you caught a cold, what he/she does?
A. Brings a hot chicken soup for you
B. Calls you several times to check
C. Accept the problem
D. All of the above
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