Flowers have diverse attributes, same as human beings. They are unique in their ways. Some are night lovers, and some early risers, some are romantic, some are rough, some stubborn, and some flexible. Have you ever thought of comparing the two personas? Take the quiz to find out which kind of flower am I.
1. Which term of endearment do you use for your lovable ones?
A. Sweetheart
B. Darling
C. Love
D. Something else
2. What troubles you the most?
A. Work
B. What others say
C. State of the world
D. Not worried at all
3. Do you keep secrets from your lovable ones?
A. No, believe in complete honesty
B. Yes, not to hurt other
C. Not kept a secret but if necessary, willing to keep it
D. It doesn’t bother you
4. You usually believe that people are
A. Mostly good
B. Mostly bad
C. Both
D. Situational
5. What would you prefer?
A. Sunset
B. Sunrise
C. Full moon
D. Cloudy
6. Do you often dream at night?
A. Yes
B. Never
C. Infrequently
D. Every night
7. What is your favorite breakfast?
A. Cereals
B. Waffles
C. Pancake
D. Eggs
8. You make friends-
A. Quickly
B. Slowly
C. Whenever you want
D. Don’t try at all
9. You like to go to a restaurant for which meal?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Teatime
D. Dinner
10. What do you like most?
A. Night club
B. Restaurant
C. Meditation center
D. Home
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