Transport in plants is one of the important chapters of science because it helps you to know the basic principles of transportation in plants. Animals, trees, and plants also need different types of nutrients to survive. It is mandatory for these nutrients to reach all parts of the tree and plants. Transport in plants is the process in which plants absorb water and other nutrients from their roots through twigs and leaves, absorbing water and nutrients from the entire part of the plant to different parts. Transport in plants takes place in three levels: 1. Transport of matter from one cell to another. 2. Long-distance transport of SAP within phloem and xylem. 3. Release of solutes and water by individual cells. Let's know more about the transportation of water and minerals in plants.
1. Which cells are used to transport water and minerals in plants?
A. Phloem
B. Xylem
C. Dermal
D. Chloroplast.
2. What is called the process of releasing water vapor from the leaves into the atmosphere through the stomata?
A. Transpiration
B. Atmosphere
C. Respiration
D. Transportation
3. ........... is associated with the transport of photosynthates.
A. Phloem
B. Water
C. Minerals
D. None of the above
4. Choose the name of the most abundant solute in phloem sap?
A. Starch
B. Sucrose
C. Glucose
D. Amylose
5. The rate of transpiration will Increase if the ............... pressure is low.
A. Gauge
B. Absolute
C. Atmospheric
D. All of the above
6. What is regulated by the movement of guard cells?
A. Atmosphere
B. Respiration
C. Transpiration
D. None of the above
7. Almost 90% of the flowering plants have...
A. Spores
B. Mycorrhizae
C. Naked seeds
D. None of the above
8. Which of the following is correct an example of imbibition?
A. Opening of Stomata
B. Uptake of water by root hair
C. Swelling of seed when put in soil
D. Exchange of gases in Stomata
9. Which of the following plants will not have transpiration?
A. Plants living in deserts
B. Aquatic, submerged plants
C. Plants growing in hilly regions
D. Aquatic plants with floating leaves
10. Which of the following is the first step in the germination of seeds?
A. Imbibition
B. Pollination
C. Fertilization
D. None of the above
11. Elements in the plant are not remobilized by...
A. Sulphur
B. Calcium
C. Potassium
D. All of the above
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