Forests are called the lungs of the earth and they are necessary for man to live because it fulfills the needs of our daily life. Forests serve various purposes for humans as well as nature, so they are an important resource. In ancient times, humans lived in forests and it met all our requirements to live a normal life at that time. There is no formal definition of forests, but the definition of forest in our own language, a forest is an area or part of the land that is covered with trees and different types of plants. Not only this, but forests also form a complete ecosystem consisting of various living organisms such as trees, shrubs, plants, microorganisms, wild animals, and birds. Temperature and rainfall are the two most important things for forests. So let's start this quiz and collect some important questions on" Forests: Our Lifeline".
1. Which one is the largest forest in the world?
A. Amazon forest
B. Daintree Forest
C. Congo Rainforest
D. Sundarbans forest
2. The branch portion above the stem is called ……
A. Cub
B. Shrub
C. Crown
D. Canopy
3. Pick the animal name which lives in deeper areas of the forest?
A. Fox, Elephant
B. Boars, Bisons
C. Cow, Tiger
D. Boars, Lion
4. ... is it not a forest product.
A. Sand
B. Humus
C. Wood
D. Mushroom
5. ..... is prepared from the wood obtained from the forest.
A. Plastic
B. Thermocol
C. Matchsticks
D. None Of These
6. Do different layers provide food and ……………… for animals?
A. Herb
B. Honey
C. Shelter
D. None Of These
7. The forest is called ............... because they supply oxygen to the atmosphere.
A. Branches
B. Cambium
C. Green lungs
D. All Of the above
8. Herbs come to form the … a layer of the forest.
A. Canopy
B. Lowest
C. Emergent
D. Understory
9. The microorganisms which convert dead plants and animals to humans are called ...........
A. Resources
B. Decomposes
C. Firewood
D. None of the above
10. The Branch parts of a tree above the stem is known as the...
A. Herb
B. Shrub
C. Crown
D. Canopy
11. The ............. layer in a forest profile is called the emergent layer.
A. Canopy
B. Topmost
C. Emergent
D. Understory
12. The layer of a forest that has dead and decaying material is called the ........
A. Equatorial
B. Forest floor
C. Mediterranean
D. None of the above
13. In which of the following has the strongest stem?
A. Tree
B. Creeper
C. Climber
D. Bush
14. .... products is not obtained from a forest.
A. Gum
B. Ginger
C. Honey
D. None of the above
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