As we know chemistry is part of science & general chemistry is an academic discipline of high school & university. We study matters, objects, chemicals, chemical reactions & many more in the general chemistry. Chemistry is the major thing in an experimental lab where are can develop anything & this is helping us in different fields, like health, agriculture &, etc. Let's test ourselves & know more about general chemistry questions answers.
1. The most abundant metal in the earth's crust is.....
A. Aluminium
B. Zink
C. Copper
D. Iron
2. An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices is.....
A. Solder
B. Alloy Steel
C. German Silver
D. Nichrome
3. The filament of an electric bulb is made up of.....
A. Iron
B. Tungsten
C. Nichrome
D. Graphite
4. Carbon, diamond, and graphite are together called.....
A. Isomers
B. Isomorphs
C. Isotopes
D. Allotropes
5. The element found on the surface of the moon is......
A. Tin
B. Tantalum
C. Tungsten
D. Titanium
6. The average salinity of seawater is.....
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 35%
D. 45%
7. Dialysis is used for people with defective Kidneys. It involves the process of......
A. Adsorption
B. Osmosis
C. Electrolysis
D. Diffusion
8. The substance coated on plastic tape recorder tape is..,...
A. Zinc oxide
B. Manganese oxide
C. Iron sulphate
D. Iron oxide
9. Which one of the following is the lightest metal?
A. Mercury
B. Silver
C. Lithium
D. Lead
10. Glass is made of the mixture of.....
A. Quartz and Mica
B. Sand and salt
C. Sapnd and silicates
D. None of these
11. Washing soda is the common name for......
A. Calcium carbonate
B. Calcium bicarbonate
C. Sodium carbonate
D. Sodium Bicarbonate
12. Which one of the following metals has the highest density?
A. Gold
B. Platinum
C. Iron
D. Lead
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