How Conservative Are You Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1301 | Recent Updated: 03-May-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Ever wondered how you form your opinion on issues pertaining to national or international importance? What makes you like a political party or a political leader's stance? All these decisions are influenced by the school of thought that you follow which can be either conservatism or Liberalism. Here is a quiz that will help you understand what type of ideological belief you follow.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think present-day economic policies favor powerful people’s interests?

A. They are blatantly pro rich

B. They are somewhat pro rich

C. Not that Pro rich

D. They are open and provide everyone with equal opportunity

2. Do you think Big businesses should be taxed heavily for public welfare?

A. Yes, the rich should pay

B. They should be taxed at least for education

C. That is unfair and against equal treatment of every individual

D. It should be proportional to their wealth

3. Do you think your country should give up nuclear arms?

A. Yes, it is the need of hour

B. No, we face a lot of external threats

C. If every other nuclear armed country does the same

D. If our any state does the same

4. Should there be stricter environmental laws and regulations?

A. Climate Change is hypothetical concept the earth keeps changing

B. It should be every countries priority

C. Developing nations should check it’s their problem

D. If not humanity will suffer

5. How do you perceive the government spending more money on health and education by reducing the budget for Defense?

A. Should not be done as it jeopardizes our security

B. Education and health care are basic human rights and should be ensured by the government.

C. Education and Healthcare are more important that security

D. We should be ready for an incoming war

6. What are your views on the dialogue between a separatist organization in your country and your government?

A. Should not be done as it gives them credibility

B. Should not be done they will get a platform to answer

C. Should be done as it reduces violence

D. Everyone has a right to express themselves so the government should listen

7. How do you view the influx of refugees in your country?

A. They are a threat to our society and culture

B. We have a dearth of resources their influx will reduce them further

C. Should be accepted if they face religious persecution

D. Everyone has a right to every resource provided by mother earth

8. How do you view same-sex marriage?

A. It is against our belief and culture

B. Not mentioned in our scripture so it is unnatural

C. Individuals have a right to do whatever they want

D. Everyone has a right to love whoever they want

9. Do you think foreign nationals arrested on suspicion of terrorist activities should be given constitutional rights?

A. Not at all they wanted us all to die

B. Terrorist don’t need any trial should be executed without it

C. Every suspect is innocent until proven guilty

D. Everyone has a right to fair trial

10. What are your views on abolishing capital punishment?

A. Should be exist so that people fear law enforcement

B. Only be given in case someone dies because of them

C. Should be given only for rarest of the rare case scenarios

D. Every life is precious we don’t have any right to take away someone’s life


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