Political views are ideologies defining your way of thinking and how you see life. You might be a political person or completely apolitical but; you would have some political ideologies which make your nature. Do you want to know what political views you hold? Take the quiz down below that is a funnier way to learn about your inclination.
1. What should your government do?
A. Economic development
B. Build infrastructure
C. Safeguard rights of people
D. Form political alliance
2. Is the safety of the women important?
A. There are many important things than this
B. Absolutely
C. It is their responsibility
D. Women should stay at home
3. Should new business ventures be regulated?
A. They need space to grow
B. Should be monitored
C. I don’t care
D. Relax protocol for small businesses
4. Do black people be given all rights?
A. Of course
B. They are not worthy
C. Only if they are born in my country.
D. Black people are dirty
5. Should abortion be legal?
A. Obviously
B. It an individual choice
C. Only for married couples
D. Never
6. What do you think of same-sex couples?
A. They are the same as everyone
B. That is abnormal
C. Absolutely trash
D. I like straight people
7. Which political party do you prefer?
A. The Republican
B. The Democrat
C. The Congress
D. I don't vote
8. Do you believe in equal rights?
A. All the time
B. Sometime
C. Too busy for all this
D. I only care about my rights
9. Are you kind to the poor?
A. I feed the homeless
B. Why should I care?
C. If it is in my interest
D. They should not exist
10. What do you think about capital punishment?
A. Should be abolished
B. Must be there
C. I want my nation crime-free
D. It is cruelty
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