Quiz - How Disgusting Are You?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 824 | Recent Updated: 26-Mar-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Disgusting can be described as loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, and detestable. A disgusting person can be described as ugly, horrible, awful, hideous, sickening, and obnoxious. Disgusting is causing a strong feeling of dislike or disinclination. Disgusting is a way of criticizing it because it is extremely unpleasant and offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste. Individuals differ in disgust-related personality traits, such as disgust proneness, disgust sensitivity, and self-disgust. Disgust can also be identified through various activities or habits such as Peeing in the pool, using someone else's toothbrush, picking your nose, Farting In Public And Denying It, and not washing your hands after using the toilet.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you get in a fight frequently?

A. Never

B. Few times

C. Cannot count

D. It's an awful incidence

2. When you lastly bought a new pair of socks?

A. Last Month

B. A year ago

C. I don't remember

D. Few days back

3. How frequently do you shave your armpits?

A. Every Sunday

B. Once in a month

C. In couple of months

D. Never

4. What is the maximum time span you had been without a bath?

A. 1 week

B. 1 Month

C. Hardly remember it

D. Take bath everyday

5. Have you ever peed in the swimming pool?

A. Never

B. I think, Yes

C. Most of time

D. Ohh it sounds so weird

6. Do you pick your nose?

A. Almost always

B. Never

C. Few times

D. Try not to do in public

7. Did you ever burp in public?

A. Most of time and loudly

B. Only when overeat

C. Only around my family & friends

D. Never

8. How frequently do you clean your room?

A. Every Month

B. On festivals

C. On arrival of guests

D. Every week

9. Did you ever get into an argument with your parents?

A. Couple of times

B. Cannot even think of it

C. Always disagree with each other

D. Rather discuss over topic

10. Do you wash your hands everytime after using toilet?

A. Yes

B. Never

C. Occasionally

D. Often

11. How often do you wash your bathing towel?

A. Every 3 months

B. Once in a week

C. Once in a month

D. Every 15 Days

12. When was the last time you washed your clothes?

A. Last week

B. Last month

C. Daily

D. I don't wash my clothes


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