Quiz: How Do You Do Your Laundry?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1031 | Recent Updated: 15-Sep-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
There are several works that are not considered to be gender-free and can be done by both men and women. Of course, we are talking about laundry! Thanks to the latest technological advances, that we can now use washing machines to do laundry making it easier for us and hassle-free. But do you know there are anyways several ways of doing laundry? Have you thought about what might be your style of doing the same? Try out this very interesting quiz to check How do you do your laundry? Give your answers and see what type might you get?

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you care about clothes?

A. Often

B. Very often

C. Somewhat

D. Rarely

2. How often do you wash your clothes?

A. Often

B. Somewhat

C. Rarely

D. Very Often

3. Do you think you should wash those clothes that have a Dry Clean label on them?

A. Not at all

B. Yes, why not

C. Maybe

D. Not sure

4. What setting is best for synthetic fabrics?

A. Permanent Hand Press

B. Delicate Hand Wash

C. Rinse and spin

D. Rapid speed

5. Do you understand sensitive clothes and not so sensitive clothes well?

A. Somewhat agree

B. Disagree

C. Agree

D. Somewhat disagree

6. How often you yourself do the laundry?

A. Often

B. Very Often

C. Somewhat

D. Rarely

7. What do you feel about paid outdoor services for laundry?

A. Perfect Way!

B. The worst way

C. Somewhat okay

D. Not sure

8. How often do you get others to do your laundry?

A. Often

B. Very often

C. Somewhat

D. Rarely

9. How often do you repeat clothes?

A. Often

B. Very Often

C. Rarely

D. Somewhat

10. How often purchase detergent powders?

A. Rarely

B. Somewhat

C. Often

D. Very often

11. How often people compliment you for getting the perfect wash?

A. Often

B. Somewhat

C. Very often

D. Rarely

12. How often do you judge people on their laundry basis?

A. Rarely

B. Somewhat

C. Often

D. Very often


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