String Instruments Quiz: How Much You Know About String Instruments?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 699 | Recent Updated: 18-Aug-2021
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In today's busy world, everybody wants a way to escape this busy crowded world. Stress has become a common problem in everyone's life and affects their lives very badly, to escape from this busy stressful life everybody has their ways to relax and release the stress, the ways could be anything like dancing, painting, reading books, etc but most common is music, people find it soothing, even everybody has their taste in music but when it comes to music instruments people commonly choose string instruments like guitar. So let's see how much you know about string instruments. Take this quiz and see how much you know.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the other name of the string instruments?

A. Chordophones

B. Percussion instruments

C. Membranophones

D. Electrophones

2. How do these instruments produce sound?

A. By blowing air

B. By vibrating strings

C. By tapping

D. By beating through sticks

3. Other than plucking strings by what musicians play a string instrument?

A. By hand

B. Sticks

C. Plectrum

D. None of the above

4. How does the piano generate sound while we press the key?

A. Plucking the string

B. Striking the string

C. Hitting the string with a light wooden Hammer

D. Running the string

5. For bowed string instruments, there's a technique called pizzicato what do we do in this technique?

A. Rub the string

B. Hit the string

C. Pluck the string

D. Touch the string

6. Which one of these is a string instrument?

A. Tambourine

B. Trombone

C. Clarinet

D. Bouzouki

7. When were the first string instruments invented?

A. 1500-2000 bc

B. 400-450 bv

C. 250-300 bc

D. 2500-3000 bc

8. Which is the oldest string instrument?

A. Ukulele

B. Piano

C. Guitar

D. The lyres of ur

9. When was the violin invented?

A. 13th Century

B. 14th Century

C. 15th Century

D. 16th Century

10. Fiddle is the other name of which instrument?

A. Guitar

B. Ukulele

C. Bass Guitar

D. Violin

11. What is the highest pitched instrument in the string family?

A. Piano

B. Guitar

C. Violin

D. Bass Guitar

12. Which instrument has 3 strings?

A. Guitar

B. Harp

C. Ukulele

D. Balalaika


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