Web series have taken a great spurt and craze among teenagers. Well, there are millions of web series that are the best at serving you with the best moods. One of those amazing series is The Walking Dead, the show that got crazy fandom! The deaths in the show were kinda scary and disturbing. But have you thought if you were in the show what kind of death would you get? How long would you survive in the show? You must be really keen to know what if you were there and which type of death would you have? You should try this quiz and you will definitely get to know!
1. Who is the most dangerous according to you?
A. Walker
B. Governer
C. Negan
D. A slow walking friend
2. Where do you feel safe with the group of survivors or your own?
A. No One
B. Group
C. Own
D. Both
3. During a zombie apocalypse, which place is safest?
A. Island
B. Prison
C. Hot Air Balloons
D. A Guarded Compound
4. Which weapon you would definitely have?
A. Crossbow
B. Gun
C. Knife
D. Barbed Wire Baseball Set
5. Which city do you find the safest?
A. California
B. Georgia
C. Washington DC
D. Asterdam
6. What will you do If someone in your camp dies of natural death?
A. Bury them
B. Set them on fire
C. Stab the person on head
D. Find reason of death
7. What is the first question you ask a new person?
A. Have you been bitten?
B. Have you seen walkers?
C. How many walkers have you killed?
D. How many people have you killed?
8. If the leader of your group murders someone in the camp what will you do?
A. Fleet the group
B. Confront Leader
C. Stab Him
D. Do Nothing
9. What will you do is you come to know that the group of survivors you are with is worried if another group might attack them?
A. Change my group
B. Try to motivate them
C. Flee the group
D. Walk on your own
10. Which skill according to you is best for you?
A. Killing Walkers
C. Shooting
D. How to break into homes
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