Manipulative behavior is basically a strategy or tactic to control or influence another person for their benefit of themselves. Most of the time manipulators harm the feeling and emotions of other people and always think about their own benefits. Manipulators never thought about the interest and well-being of another person. Manipulators use tactics such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and deception to achieve their goals. I you want to protect yourself from any manipulator then try to maintain healthy relationships. Setting clear boundaries, being assertive, and practicing effectively. So take this quiz and know which type of manipulator you are. It is for fun only.
1. If you are uncomfortable with any discussion what do you do?
A. Try to get interest into it
B. Avoid the conversation
C. Change the topic
D. Yell and close the conversation
2. What people would say about your personality?
A. Egoistic
B. Bad with words
C. Innocent
D. Lame
3. What type of relationship do you seek out?
A. Compromising
B. Loving
C. Understanding
D. No point to have relationships
4. What is your attitude trait?
A. Honest
B. Loyal
C. Manipulative
D. Conservative
5. How do you react when something unexpected and wrong happens?
A. Blame others
B. Criticize everyone
C. Play victim
D. Take the responsibility
6. Do you put pressure on people to get your thoughts executed?
A. No Way
B. Not always
C. Sometimes
D. Always
7. What do you do when you are upset?
A. Set boundaries
B. Talk about my feelings
C. Silent treatment
D. Cry
8. Where are you most in your spare time?
A. Home
B. Mall
C. Restuarants
D. Concerts
9. Do you make other people around you feel guilty?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Not purposely
D. Never
10. Do you easily control people around you?
A. Yes
B. Prefer not to do
C. Only when required
D. Never
11. How many friends do you have?
A. Limited close friends
B. Best Friend
C. Bulk of friends
D. No Friends
12. What do you always get from people around you?
A. Attention
B. Suggestion
C. Request
D. Complain
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