Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Ivan Pavlov?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 228 | Recent Updated: 18-Jun-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Ivan Pavlov was a popular Russian and Soviet experimental neurologist, psychologist, and physiologist. He is best known for his pioneering experiments on classical conditioning, which laid the foundation for the understanding of how animals and humans learn associations between stimuli and behaviors. Apart from experiments on classical conditioning, Pavlov made significant contributions to the field of physiology. He conducted extensive research on digestion and the role of the nervous system in regulating bodily functions. So let's start this quiz and know more interesting facts about Ivan Pavlov.

Questions Excerpt

1. Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning were conducted in:

A. 15th century

B. 19th century

C. 16th century

D. 18th century

2. Pavlov's experiments primarily involved which animal?

A. Dogs

B. Cats

C. Rats

D. Monkey

3. Pavlov's experiments on dogs led to the discovery of?

A. Cognitive theory

B. Operant conditioning

C. Classical conditioning

D. Observational learning

4. When Ivan Pavlov was appointed the role of professor of Pharmacology at the Military Medical Academy?

A. 1895

B. 1988

C. 1890

D. 1975

5. When did Pavlov award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?

A. 1940

B. 1904

C. 1976

D. 1980

6. Which theory of learning is closely associated with Pavlov's work?

A. Cognitivism

B. Behaviorism

C. Humanism

D. Psychoanalysis

7. When was Ivan Pavlov elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS)?

A. 1970

B. 1977

C. 1907

D. 1997

8. What year did Pavlov graduate from the Medical Military Academy with a gold medal award for his research work?

A. 1897

B. 1879

C. 1870

D. 1875

9. What was Ivan Pavlov's nationality?

A. French

B. Russian

C. German

D. American

10. Ivan Pavlov received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on?

A. Digestion

B. Memory

C. Classical conditioning

D. Operant conditioning


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