One of the sweetest animals everyone loves is a cat. The breed of cats is also known as the lion of the jungle. Having a cat as a pet is kinda facing a lot of challenges since cats are fond of milk and they might steal your milk as well. But, when it comes to affection they are loved by everyone and adopted as pets by millions of people. There are certain levels of affection a person has for their cats. You might be eager to know How Much Of A Cat Person Are You? You should try this quiz and you will get your answers.
1. Which relation would have with a cat?
A. My family
B. My friend
C. A cute animal
D. I don't actually want any relation with cats
2. How you might show your love to cats?
A. By smiling towards them
B. I can't love them
C. Just running and hugging them
D. Sending love to them just through eyes
3. What value do you want in your friend?
A. Honesty
B. Loyalty
C. Kindness
D. Intelligence
4. Do you give nicknames to cats?
A. Everytime
B. Quite often
C. Sometimes
D. Never
5. When do you when you see a cat at your friend's house?
A. Run towards them
B. Smile at them
C. Run away
D. Depends on my mood
6. If you see a random cat on street, what will you do?
A. Walk away
B. Smile at them and leave
C. Exchange friendly glance
D. Take them to my home
7. If your friend gifts you a cat, what will you do?
A. Just be so excited and hug the cat
B. Just tell them to take away
C. Might accept that
D. Will smile but not accept
8. If your cat sits on your lap while you are working, what will you do?
A. Just love it
B. Tell them to leave since i am working
C. Might smile or not
D. I'll never have a cat
9. Is your phone storage full of Cats?
A. Obviously
B. Somewhat
C. I keep them depending on my mood
D. Not at all
10. If a person posts negative comments about cats, what will you do?
A. Block them
B. Argue with them
C. Ignore
D. It'll depend on my mood
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