Wild cats are kind, helpful, trustworthy, and responsible which are important qualities for being a good person and a role model to others. Wildcats are drawn to situations that promise excitement and passion, and making love to one is more than just a lot of hissing and scratching. It is a curious lover and its tendency to get lost in the moment guarantees an unpredictable encounter. The term “wildcat” covers several distinct species, including the lynx and the American bobcat. Wildcats move through life with noiseless stealth on padded feet that make no sound. The wildcat never takes the conventional route and prefers to explore life from off the beaten track, relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it through the jungle. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative, and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.
1. What's your body shape?
A. Fit and Athletic
B. Strong and Muscular
C. Long and lean
D. Warm hearted and soft
2. At what time are you most active?
A. Morning
B. Night
C. Dawn and Dusk
D. Day, when not taking a nap
3. Do you take advantage of your looks?
A. When required
B. Looks don't matter to me
C. What's inside that matters most
D. Always, who doesn't use it
4. Where would you prefer to live if you were a big cat?
A. In the heart of the jungle
B. Grassy lands
C. Deep in Mountains
D. Deep in Forests
5. How do you prefer to be with most of the time?
A. In a group of friends
B. Alone
C. With family
D. Both with friends and family
6. Are you easy to figure out and understand?
A. Depends on my mood
B. Guarded around those I don't know
C. Keep things at my sleeve
D. Prefer to remain a mystery
7. Which quality do you possess the most?
A. Powerfull
B. Strong
C. Beautiful
D. Athletic
8. In the family, who do you think must be responsible for feeding?
A. A woman should do cooking
B. Man, earn a living
C. Responsibility should be equally shared
D. Anyone can take the responsibility
9. How secretive are you about things?
A. Sometimes
B. Not really
C. Always
D. It's always good to be secretive
10. Describe yourself with your strongest attribute.
A. Speed
B. Charisma
C. Ability to focus
D. Tenacity
11. According to you what sounds tastiest to you?
A. Steak
B. Fish
C. Wild game
D. Poultry
12. What would you choose among the following?
A. Stripes
B. Fur
C. Solids
D. Spots
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