Talking about the 'Herd Immunity Theory' that Britain has allegedly included to fight the disease, Guleria said that although some countries are adopting the 'Herd Immunity' Theory. Herd immunity means "to prevent the spread of an infectious disease through the development of immunity among a few percent of a society or group." But the results can be very harsh. Herd immunity means that 60 percent of the population who are healthy and at low risk, the country allows them to get the infection and overcome their own immunity. Let's know more about Herd Immunity Theory Against Coronavirus.
1. Recently the chief scientific advisor of which country's government has indicated to adopt the option of herd immunity to meet the challenge of the rapidly spreading COVID-19?
A. China Government
B. British Government
C. American Government
D. None of these
2. How does herd immunity work?
A. Epidemiologists use a standard known as 'basic fertility' to estimate the spread of an infectious disease and the immune range required for it
B. Having more than 1 R0 means that one person can infect many other individuals
C. According to scientific evidence, a person suffering from measles can infect 12–18 other people whereas a person suffering from influenza can infect about 1–4 persons
D. All of the above
3. How can any transition spread to a society/group?
A. Where no person in the group has been vaccinated
B. If only a few people are vaccinated, then other people in the group may be infected, except for those people
C. If enough people in a group are immune, then in that case only those people of the group will be infected who are very weak
D. All of the above
4. According to experts, on what factors does the success of herd immunity depend?
A. The effect of the vaccine given to prevent infection
B. The duration of infection
C. The effect of the vaccine and the part of the group that is responsible for the spread of infection
D. All of the above
5. Which among the following are proteins that fight off diseases?
A. Memory Cells
B. Antigens
C. Antibodies
D. All of the above
6. How do antibodies fight antigens?
A. Antibodies ignore 'good' cells and attack 'bad' ones
B. Antibodies destroy all the cells they come in contact with
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
7. Which of the following is a way to get immunity?
A. While growing in the womb
B. Getting sick
C. Vaccines
D. All of the above
8. Which among the following function of the immune system?
A. To distribute energy throughout the body
B. To fight off diseases
C. To break down food
D. To regenerate cells
9. The term herd immunity was first used in-------------.
A. In 1933
B. In 1923
C. In 1913
D. In 1903
10. Herd immunity does not apply to------.
A. All diseases
B. Those that are contagious
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
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