Balanoglossus Quiz: How Much You Know About Balanoglossus?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1329 | Recent Updated: 07-Feb-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Not just huge animals, whether dangerous or not, but even insects are essential for the world. Zoology today has seen several changes in the adaptability, suitability, and interests that have to lead to ample insects today all around the world. One of the most interesting categories goes to Balanoglossus, the anonymous creature that has really different categories making it a unique one. Have you ever read bout it? Do you think you'd like to answer about it? Do you feel there's a capability in you to answer the questions about it? If you think so, then try out Balanoglossus Quiz, and see are you really good at answering these questions!

Questions Excerpt

1. Balanoglossus is an "___________" between invertebrates and vertebrates?

A. Interactive Link

B. Permanent Link

C. Pradament Link

D. Evolutionary Link

2. What is the order of Balanoglossus?

A. Alfred Worm

B. Acred Worm

C. Acorn worm

D. Aspecious Worm

3. What is the higher classification of Balanoglossus?

A. Planktonafred

B. Ptychoderidae

C. Psychiotyic

D. All of them

4. What is the phylum of Balanoglossus?

A. Hemichordata

B. Balanoglossus

C. Acorn worm

D. None of the above

5. What is the class of Balanoglossus?

A. Ptychoderidae

B. Hemichordata

C. Balanoglossus

D. Enteropneusta

6. What is the kingdom of Balanoglossus

A. Hemichordat

B. Zoologicia

C. Animalia

D. All of the above

7. The size of the Balanoglossus is between _________?

A. 1mm-2 mm

B. 2.5 mm to 5 mm

C. 5 mm to 10 mm

D. None of the above

8. Who discovered Balanoglossus?

A. J.F. Eschscholtz

B. Archery root

C. David Boston

D. Brenhard Freddy

9. When was Balanoglossus discovered?

A. 1878

B. 1890

C. 1865

D. 1825

10. Who discovered gill-slits in Balanoglossus?

A. CF Retiyan

B. Archery Root

C. Kowalewsky

D. Joer frechery


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